You’ve finally did it, you’ve created the perfect profile on a Golf Dating site and you’ve just clicked with someone. So now you’re going on your first date with a person you’ve met on that type of dating site and you’re worried he or she will spend the entire time talking about golf. First of all, congratulations, way to go! Secondly, a date with a golfer is not that much different than a date with any other person. Thirdly, golf might have brought you together but both of you know it’s not the thing you’re there for. Both of you are actually on a date, trying to have a good time and get to know the other person.
Perhaps you’re right for each other and perhaps you’re not. You won’t know that if you don’t go on that date. In fact, there’s a reason why golf brought you together. People who play golf all have a certain set of values and are usually successful individuals who lead multi-faceted lives. Golf is often seen as stress relief for all those busy professionals who spend most of their time working. They have their work and their golf, what they’re missing is you. This is the reason why they’re on that Golf Dating site in the first place, to meet someone.
They’re there to form a human and a romantic connection and not discuss what club is the best. Although if both of you share a similar passion for golf, this might be something you can bond over. However, let’s consider exactly the opposite a person who doesn’t want to spend the entire evening talking about golf and a mysterious golfer who might or might not do that. And let’s consider the absolute worst scenario where he or she starts talking about a lot. Like going into various details and talking about good games and bad weather.
There’s something important going on in the background of this conversation you should be aware of. This finally leads us to our main point: people get nervous on first dates and when they’re nervous they talk about things they know and love. This says nothing about the person or the potential future of your relationship. It’s perfectly normal and there’s nothing wrong with it. In fact, you might argue that’s a signal to help you, as the other person who’s in a better emotional position, to recognize and act upon it if it happens.
You need to approach this subject carefully. Do not bluntly say: you’re boring me with all this golf talk. Use this time to do a couple of things. First, try to remember what subject you were talking about earlier besides golf and perhaps try to steer the conversation in that direction. You can also use the “keyword approach”. What might be that you might be wondering? Well, pay attention to the overarching concepts in this talk and try to apply them to both your personal life and life in general.
If he or she says that the feeling he gets when they step onto a golf course is priceless and that it resembles a vacation, you might continue by asking if they’ve been on a vacation recently. This might open up whole new avenues of conversation. Or talk about things that make you feel the same. Perhaps it’s the time when you go to a hotel or go hiking. However, as we already said, we doubt that you’ll run into these problems. And if you’re looking for places to meet golfers, take a look at our list of Best Golf Dating Sites.